F.A.R.M. Club,Newsletter







Next meetings: September 7th and October 5th, 6PM Warren County Fairgrounds


          It is that time of year again people, Oeder’s Lake is upon us J We do have some business to deal with in regards to the show if anyone wants to help out, we start setting up on Monday for the show, so if anyone wants to help get ahold of us and we will try and get times out and what needs done, also during the show we have a lot of work behind the scenes going on to keep the show rolling, and we are always looking for people to learn jobs so we all can get a break and enjoy the show, so a little extra help goes a long way in making the show more enjoyable for everyone (we are here to have fun, and I don’t know about anyone else but I get bored doing the samething all the time, I try and mix up the jobs and fun as much as possible)


          Also, Jumpstart Scholarship Candidates, we need your forms in now, if you have a 14-18 year old who is working on something they can get up to $500 to help with their project, if you need a form call me or email me and I’ll send it to you, this is the last chance to get them in! We will be deciding a winner at the next meeting (I have had people ask about it, but no one has sent me a form yet, so if we only get one it makes the decision easy, if we get none it’ll be there for next year), it’s free money for working on your project tractor-equipment, all we need is the form


          Next time you all get a letter I should be in the middle of harvest, but I hope to see all of you at the show, look forward to catching up with everyone as well J

Show Dates

8/23: Touch A Truck, Shops at Grandin on St Rt 48, 10-2

8/30-31: Waynesville Fly In, 10am display, contact Regina Flynn for information 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com

9/5-7: Cornfestival, Clinton County Fairgrounds, Downtown Parade 9am Saturday, Pulls Start At Noon

9/11-14: Oeders Lake Show


Any questions contact one of our directors.

Mike Lumley 513-515-8613 ihpapaw@yahoo.com

Larry Flynn (513)266-7413 l.flynn60@yahoo.com

Jim Patterson (513)234-7927 jpatterson7334@hotmail.com

Dave Siebert, Treasurer, (937)603-4233 davedenisesiebert@gmail.com

Roger Walker, Secretary, 513-256-5803 wctractorguy@aol.com